Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Biden: Shade the Sun!


Robert Cogan

678 Sunny South Ave.

Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436

August 28, 2023

Open Letter

Dear President Biden

Shade the Sun!

I am writing to implore you to become familiar with the main project of the Planetary Sunshade Foundation. It is simply to retard earth warming by constructing, between the sun and the earth a solar shade. There is a unique gravitational balance area near Lagrange Point1, at which a shade could remain, always shading the entire Earth. Several of our astronomical instruments have already been stationed there. The shade, a large object, could be created from materials on the surface of the moon. No fear of falling: Lagrange P1 is about 1.2 million miles from earth.

You know from experience that in an eclipse the air briefly gets cooler; in a total one, as much as 10 degrees. The shade would be translucent. The degree of translucency could be changed.

Some Net Zero projects are slightly helpful. But no earth - bound ones are up to the scale needed to retard world warming. "Heat attack" disasters: drought, fire, hurricanes and monsoons really need an alliance of nations like World War II to attack the cause. World Warming is World War III!

The Planetary Sunshade project is neutral among nations and beneficial to all humans. The U.S. could lead with consultation and partnership with other nations. Raise awareness of this now, implement it, before heat attacks kill more people and severely degrade the progress of world industrial civilization.

Contacts: Morgan Goodwin at Planetary Sunshade Foundation,

Elizabeth Scott, Colorado School of Mines also for U. of Stuttgart participants

Robert Cogan, Ph.D.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Solution for Trump

The lies of George Santos are, at least, friendly fibs. They associate him with deserving characteristics, graduating prestigious colleges, being a Holocaust generation survivor's relative. Not so with Republicans like Kevin McCarthy. I mean endless toro caca about self - reliance and the deficit blocking progress in amelioration of inequalities from past injustices.

Stage managers of both parties should consider offering remaining Trump oligarchs the following deal. If Trump becomes too ill or old to continue campaigning (hint, hint!), making way for Dark Lord De Santis, we agree Trump won't be imprisoned. But Trump must give up to civil forfeiture his money making castle and lands (specifically architectural monstrosity Mar-A-Lago). Certainly enough sedition occurred at Mar-a-Lago. Trump's top advisors who should have known the historical difference between legitimate revolution and illegitimate rebellion against democratically enacted taxes, should go to jail.

Mar-a-lago must be unwound from a private plutocrat klub to a public facility with facilities open to the public and government offices that can actually help poor citizens. Put a few black liberators on Stone Mountain glaring at Jeff Davis, from the left and Kevin McCarthy's dour face at the right behind Jackson's horse's ass.

The lies of George Santos are, at least, friendly fibs. They associate him with deserving characteristics, graduating prestigious colleges, being a Holocaust generation survivor's relative. Not so with Republicans like Kevin McCarthy. I mean endless toro caca about self - reliance and the deficit blocking progress in amelioration of inequalities from past injustices.

Stage managers of both parties should consider offering remaining Trump oligarchs the following deal. If Trump becomes too ill or old to continue campaigning (hint, hint!), making way for Dark Lord De Santis, we agree Trump won't be imprisoned. But Trump must give up to civil forfeiture his money making castle and lands (specifically architectural monstrosity Mar-A-Lago). Certainly enough sedition occurred at Mar-a-Lago. Trump's top advisors who should have known the historical difference between legitimate revolution and illegitimate rebellion against democratically enacted taxes, should go to jail.

Mar-a-lago must be unwound from a private plutocrat klub to a public facility with facilities open to the public and government offices that can actually help poor citizens. The Fed. should buy Stone Mountain from Georgia. Put a few black liberators on Stone Mountain glaring at Jeff Davis, from the left, and Kevin McCarthy's dour face at the right behind Jackson's horse's ass.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Austerity Must Go

U.S Austerity Must Go!
Among cuts to Social Security, etc., Trump's latest budget proposed there was a $17.6 million cut to federal aid to Special Olympics. This budget follows the debt reduction “cut spending” policy called “Austerity.” It's a policy started in response to the Crash of 2008. That crash was caused by private, for profit banks. Millions of workers lost wages, homes, etc. Counter cyclical government support for the banks included enormous Federal Reserve purchases of bad assets. Total Fed. support for banks was somewhere from $7 trillion to $29 trillion. The system of Treasury and Fed. was designed to allow this concealment and the media cooperated.

Austerity grew into policies intended to reduce the national debt by keeping the interest rate negative (below the rate of inflation.) Savers would be purchasing power losers. Regulations would make banks hold the lowest paying government bonds. Taxes were made more regressive. Wages dropped and pensions were cut. Neither savers nor bankers nor workers like this, so the government designers gave it a “castor oil-ish” name: “Financial Repression.”
Financial Repression seemed to make sense. Republicans had complained that the national debt was too high. They added that the Democrat stimuli spending was increasing the debt too much. If you personally overspent it would be best for you to cut expenses, wouldn't it? This set of policies is supposed, by reducing the debt, to restore business confidence and growth. The Republican Study Committee and House Republican Freedom caucus squarely endorsed deficit reduction. But this repression is based on faulty analogies, fallacies of composition and capacity. An individual or family is different from a whole nation and nation can create it's own money. The U.S. can create money, spend it appropriately, and control any inflation through taxes. America's the richest, most powerful large country the world has ever seen. America is so much richer than any other large country that trying to cut $17.6 million out of the appropriation for Special Olympics is like the manager of a posh Trump hotel stocking the penthouse bathrooms with the cheapest 1 – ply toilet paper he can buy.

Austerity spread from the U.S. with assistance of global institutions like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank, etc, through at least 125 countries, from advanced industrial ones through lowest income ones. But there are severe problems with Financial Repression! After 9 years, deficits have not gone down, but increased. Growth is slower than desired. Inflation also is lower than the standard 2% target (see Ch. 9 Sovereign Debt, presented at the IMF conference on Sept. 13-14 2018.) Since this klusterkludge of policies does not work, some rationales had to be developed to excuse continued infliction, particularly of austerity. In the U.S. “Austrians,” I call them ( Republicans) have made sexism, racism, and nativism primary excuse – explanations for it. Austerity in America, in combination with the personality of President Trump, has severely aggravated social divisions.

Inflation has between low for the whole decade, despite the $7 - $29 trillion “Keynesian” stimuli. The U.S. dollar is the word's indispensable reserve currency. Most important, our Constitution gives Congress the power to create more money. These are essential points of Modern Monetary Theory. MMT implies that we can create enough money to have un-threatened entitlements and welfare programs as we think right. Those are reasons austerity is inappropriately cheap and must go! Houses divided against themselves can, indeed, stand – but much less happily than when there is less conflict among their inhabitants.

This election of 2020 is truly critical for America's character and independence. Cleansing America of Trump values should be the paramount goal of any opposition party. But many voters still prefer to be ruled by tall, white, male Christians. So Democrats need discipline to put aside temporarily, identity politics. 2020 is not the best time to try for another “minority” President. Obama did what he could, but was critically limited. Only one financier was jailed for illegality in the Great Crash. (If Obama had insisted on more, any one of thousands of red blooded American “patriot” assassins might have murdered him. So Democrats should this time choose a presentable white male Christian American, to stick up for real American values such as truthfulness, honesty, justice, courage, and active charity, civility and patience. Overconfidence this time is extremely dangerous.

Republicans have the guts of burglars while Democrats shrink back and waste every crisis. Expect some sort of October surprise. A desperate Trump will have resources: a 22,000 employee Trump Organization, Internet coward trolls, maybe Russian agents, and maybe NRA - funded open carry gun enthusiasts clinging to AR-15's. What if they are marshaled to the polls and there aren't cops who stop intimidation? I don't advocate carrying guns myself. “Nice” liberals don't use guns. But don't go alone. Have eye protection. Don't respond to verbal provocations. Have a person or two with a camera, cell phone and media numbers stand at a safe distance ready to take pictures. Is anyone building up Anti fa? Southern Florida news papers have recently covered a helicopter borne Navy Seal extraction drill to evacuate an “ambassador” from danger at Mar-a-Lao. Be forewarned.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Gospel of Modern Monetary Theory

 A theory is, in part, a new way of talking about things and embodies new evaluations. Such is true of Modern Monetary Theory. It’s a gospel that opens a hopeful perspective on how our economy could be governed. The dominant persuasion emanates from wealthy and powerful cardinals of the Church of the Free Market – Fundamentalist. Its’ current hell dogma may be termed “National Debt Terrorism” (NDT.) NDT dogma is that there isn’t enough money to eliminate poverty, provide living wage jobs, excellent health care, and secure retirement for all Americans while providing for our “defense.” Should we try this sinful indulgence, with our already crushing sin – load of  national debt, we will encounter either bankruptcy or nation - killing inflation.
       This dogma deserves scolding! It’s based on unfounded fears and false analogies. It is parroted by elected Republicans, especially the Pennywises of the House “Freedom Caucus.”. During the Obama years its Congressional acolytes passed one ridiculous “spending control” measure after another, always in the end blowing through their limits. But when federal budgetary news is reported it is draped like a suffocating blanket, by assumption, or alluded to in countless news stories. This is as true for news media of “liberal” as well as “conservative” persuasions. If this new gospel were to be shouted from rooftops, its’ Apostles  would surely be smeared by the widely broadcast propaganda voices of the institutes, forums, commissions, councils, established economic “authorities” and media Debt Scolds. So some degree of stealth in establishing a new gospel is necessary against this overwhelming propaganda environment.
       Nothing in this piece is original theory. Its’ deductive form has a rhetorical purpose. Much of the wording comes directly from L. Randall Wray’s Modern Money Theory and pieces by Stephanie Kelton. My point is to suggest a way to propagate the gospel as a way of talking, into the ideology and specifically platform of the Democratic Party without enabling ND terrorists to immediately raise their red flag smears of “socialism,” “communism,” etc. This way is to start with personal visits to democratic candidates as soon as campaign seasons for 2018 and 2020  start, to ask whether the candidate accepts as true, one axiom. This axiom represents a leading idea that could inspire progressives to join with liberals to win elections and improve economic conditions and security (thus “economic happiness”) for millions of us.
       The idea is simply to use axiomatic, deductive structure enabling advocates to “spoon feed” MMT to candidates starting from extremely obvious truths. Does candidate X accept or reject first one proposition, the axiom, and then its’ manifestly true deductive consequences. So here goes. Ask the Democratic candidate (repeatedly, if necessary, then publicly) do you believe the following claim?
Axiom: Governments are currency issuers.
By our constitution the Congress is the only issuer of legitimate paper money of the United States. It makes its genuine paper money valuable by requiring holders to pay taxes in its money.
The first theorem we may draw from this is:
Our government spending is not limited to taxes and fees collected.
Theorem Two:
A currency issuer is fundamentally different from a person, family, or business that cannot issue its own money.
 Since government can issue any amount of money,
Theorem Three:
 Our government can always meet general welfare needs of all its citizens even without deficit borrowing.
Fact Two: There is no strong evidence that any wealthy, advanced nation, undestroyed by war or natural disaster, has ever, through money issuance and spending alone, experienced fatal, nation destroying hyperinflation. In history there have only been a few documented cases of hyperinflation among very poor and/or war destroyed nations. Despite $Trillions extended by the Federal Reserve to bailing out the banks responsible for the Crash of 2007 – 2009, consumer price inflation has remained below even the Federal Reserve’s 2% annual goal for a decade.
Fact Three: All comprehensive, correct accounting is by double entry. In national income accounting the 2 biggest accounts are the Public (government) account and the Private account (of all individuals, families, corporations.)
Theorem Four:
For every debt there is (are) corresponding assets which derive, logically, from the government’s issuance of money.
Abstract all government issuance of money: There would be neither prices nor monetized assets! Thus a $19 trillion national debt should not be impressive. The United States has enormously more in real assets. No one can come to collect any part of them from you personally nor, given our enormous military superiority could any combination of nations “collect it” from the U.S.
Definition: A “balanced budget,” in the dominant rhetoric, exists when government spends no more or less than what it takes in from taxes and fees.
Theorem Five:
A ‘balanced budget” would mean there was not a single dollar transferred from the government to the private sector.
 A” balance of trade” in a similar over - simplified sense, is an equally dysfunctional goal.
Since the government is the issuer of money, not restricted to tax revenue,
Theorem Six:
Government can always avoid any “crowding out” of funds needed for private investment by interest payments due on the national debt.
Fact Four: “Taxes drive money.” (L. Randall Wray) Wray explains that what gives fiat, (un-backed paper) money value is that the dominant issuer power demands payment of taxes in its issued money. That demand is the source of fiat money’s value.
Theorem Seven: If the government issues so much money that excessive inflation begins, it can reduce that inflation by taxing money out of the economy.
Fact Five: Economist Stephanie Kelton points out that many Americans think our national government first collects tax money, (T) and then borrows (AB) any additional money it needs to spend (S.) This might be symbolized as “TABS.” More realistically, since the U.S. went off the gold standard in 1971, interest groups push laws and spending proposals (S.) Once they are approved, the government collects taxes (T) and borrows via bonds (B) to pay for the spending. This would be symbolized as “STAB.”
 There are many additional and finer points of Modern Monetary Theory that cannot be covered here. With such knowledge and attitudes toward management of Americas’ budgets, it would be easily possible, e.g., to have government as employer of last resort, providing living wage jobs for all willing to work. Many could be, e.g., in building needed infrastructure. After all, the false notion that money for the people’s general welfare is limited to what the IRS collects currently energizes the Republicans’ malignant dynamic: cut benefits for the Poor because the Poor are lazy, criminal, non white, whatever.
    Could many progressive voices raised to Democratic Party candidates by insisting that they commit to this axiom and the few theorems here, give the Democratic candidates an edge to thrust MMT thinking into moving America toward a much more just and happier society? 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Exchange over economic dependence

Cogan's Argument on almost everyone in our economy being dependent and DeCoursey's Reply Feb. - Mar. 2014 Erie Times

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Way Forward Without more Debt, raising or Lowering Taxes

Republicans and Democrats have no breakout ideas to re-inflate jobs and housing. Apparently “Debt Ceiling Smackdown” didn’t impress interest rates or stock indexes. After speculators cause severe market crashes deliberate deficit spending, correctly targeted, could “reflate” housing and jobs. Read “The 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy,” free online. Instead, Washington threatens austerity. Put events in perspective: Panic destroyed about $13 trillion (30%) of household wealth. Then businesses snuffed 8.5 million jobs. The Federal Reserve offered banks $16 trillion credit. Puny $152 billion + $787 billion “stimuli” couldn’t possibly replace $13 trillion lost.

To redintegrate impoverished Americans the U.S. could print sufficient greenbacks, money without debt, to buy foreclosed houses. Devaluation of currency helps debtors. Rent those houses out. Pay unemployed renters even for temporary low productivity public service jobs. That’s “General Welfare Targeted Reflation” without more debt or raising taxes. China could at most call for a new world reserve currency. Paper money is kept scarce to make people work. Both national parties fueled by corporate funding, support this and the parasitic business of killing jobs for cheaper workers elsewhere so American wages are driven lower. All the following monetary theorists might, at this time, advocate or accept this approach: Ellen Brown, (The Web of Debt) Stephen Zarlenga, (The Lost Science of Money) Thomas Greco, (The End of Money and the Future of Civilization) J.W. Smith (Economic Democracy) and Richard C. Cook, (We Hold These Truths.)

What will Americans do for decently paid jobs in future? Maybe 280 million of us won’t have jobs manufacturing anything, and won’t be paid enough even to buy imports. We need greenbacks, legislated Shared Job Programs, industrial policy and government as Employer of Last Resort. Voters, de-register from both national party parasites. They are equally sacrificing us to a Mammon made of paper!